It’s hard to wrap my mind around
It’s difficult to understand
The why
Because you know me
And I know me
But not in the way that you know me
Because you really know me

You know every part of me…every single part
The parts I hide from the world,
The parts I hide from myself,
The parts I don’t recognize,
The parts that exist but I deny,
The parts I am ashamed of,
The parts that shatter to pieces the smart, strong, intelligent woman they know,
The parts that laugh at the friend they pour their hearts out to and trust to keep their secrets,
The parts that reduce to ashes the woman they think has it all together and says all the right things,
The parts that mock the woman that vocally professes a standard and habitually falls short of same,
You know every part.

Not just curves and edges,
Not just perfect imperfections,
The entirety of me that houses a selfish heart,
That spews thoughtlessly crafted lies,
And then thoughtfully crafted ones to cover them,
That enthrones wanton imaginations and permits them to take control,
That revels in the slow descent of decadence, unashamed.
You know every part.

And You love me.

You just do. But it’s not only that You do. It’s why.

Because when You look at me, You don’t see the scathed character and soul that lies behind the polite smile and hearty laughter,
You see the formidable spirit made complete in You,
You see the perfect heart made pure by your Spirit,
You see the brilliant mind capable of the unfathomable under Your guidance,
You see the heir to Your promise,
You see The Daughter Of The King
Who sometimes forgets who she is,
Who sometimes needs to be reminded to embody the fullness of her identity,
For whom You died,
Whom You love unconditionally.

That You love me is a gift.
That I forget and You remind me is a blessing.

-Thank you Lord, for the gift of your love.
